A fleeting insight into prostate cancer

Cancer occurring in the prostate as a result of abnormal proliferation of cells is known as prostate cancer. The prostate is found below the bladder in the pelvis region of men and is like a walnut in shape. It produces seminal fluid responsible for the nourishment and transportation of sperms.

Prostate cancer shows no symptoms in its early stages. However, as it advances, the symptoms start to show. Blood in urine, frequent urination, blood in semen, erectile dysfunction, pain in the pelvis, legs, feet, hips, thighs, and lower back, loss of weight, appetite loss, and no bowel control are some of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

Although the exact causes of prostate cancer are not known, there are certain risk factors that are associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Risk factors like, old age, family history, obesity, genetic factor, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and STDs increases the chances of developing prostate cancer.

“Prevention is better than cure”- A well-balanced healthy diet that is low in fats and loaded with fruits and vegetables, regular exercising (something as simple as walking, jogging, swimming, skipping, cycling, yoga), maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, talking to your doctor about what puts you at risk are some preventive measures that can reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer. 

There are various treatment options available for prostate cancer. Depending upon the type and stage of your cancer, side effects that might occur, and your overall health, your doctor will choose the best option for you. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, cryotherapy, and hormonal therapy are certain treatment options for prostate cancer. 

Lupride depot 22.5mg Injection is a hormonal therapy medication used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Certain cancers use the body’s hormones to grow. Hormonal therapy is a type of cancer treatment that works by slowing or inhibiting the growth of such cancers.

This Lupride depot 22.5mg Injection contains the active ingredient Leuprolide Acetate which works by decreasing the levels of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen in the body’s circulation. This medication might be prescribed to you by your doctor. 


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