Hepatitis C treatment medications

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) that can lead to severe liver damage. Hepatitis C virus can cause acute and chronic hepatitis and it spreads through an infected person's blood or body fluids. Acute hepatitis is a short-term infection that occurs within six months after a person is exposed to the virus. Chronic hepatitis is a long-term illness that can continue throughout a person's life. It can lead to liver cirrhosis (scarring) and other serious problems, such as liver failure or cancer.

Prevention is better than cure: No vaccine is available for hepatitis C. Avoiding contact with infected blood is the only way to prevent infection. You can reduce your risk of getting this disease by not sharing personal items and drug-injecting equipment. Practising safe sex by using condoms, wearing gloves while handling another person's blood. 

Physical examinations, liver biopsy, blood tests, genotype tests, liver function tests, antibody tests, PCR tests, magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), transient elastography, and ultrasounds are the various diagnostic methods used to diagnose hepatitis C virus infection. Treatment options for this infection include liver transplantation and providing antiviral medications and interferon medications. Depending on the type of virus infection, stage, and overall health, your doctor will suggest the best treatment option for you. Your Physician will prescribe one or more medicines to treat hepatitis C based on the extent of liver damage, hepatitis C genotype, and your history of treatment for this condition, if any.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis C? In most people, there are no symptoms seen. However, some people may experience the following symptoms between two to six months after being infected by the virus,

·         Fever 

·         Clay coloured stools

·         A dark coloured urine

·         Jaundice 

·         Extreme fatigue 

·         Appetite loss 

·         Nausea and vomiting 

·         Stomachache 

·         Pain in the joints 

How is Hepatitis C transmitted? The HCV spreads through the blood and body fluid of the infected person. Certain modes of hepatitis C virus transmission include the following, 

·         Sharing needles while taking illegal drugs 

·         Having sex with an already infected person

·         Having multiple sexual partners 

·         Being injected with a used or infected needle

·         Using infected needles at tattoo or piercing parlours

·         Sharing contaminated belongings like razors, nail cutters and toothbrush 

·         From mother to child during pregnancy 

If the viral infection advances, then the patient is likely to experience the following symptoms,

·         Buildup of fluid in the abdomen and legs

·         Gallstones 

·         Kidney failure 

·         Loss of weight 

·         Loss of muscle 

·         Severe itching 

There are several medicines available to treat hepatitis C infection. Hepcdac 60mg is an antiviral medicine that is used for treating Hepatitis C infection. This medicine contains the active ingredient daclatasvir. Hepcdac 60mg tablet works by producing an inhibitory action on the viral RNA replication and the assembly of the virus particles. 



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